UX/UI Designer
Specs Creative Agency
• Built wireframes and interactive prototypes to test and iterate design solutions for clients across a wide range of industries, including healthcare and cybersecurity.
• Collaborated with developers and other designers to produce cohesive designs that unify the goals of clients and their customers.
• Conducted usability testing to validate design decisions and optimize final products.
• Implemented Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) to design websites that enhance aesthetics, functionality, and user engagement.
• Ensured projects adhered to varying deadlines through collaboration and time management.

User Experience Designer
206 Foods
• Led the end-to-end design and development of our DTC eCommerce platform which resulted in a sixfold increase in conversion, an 40% reduction in cart abandonment, and a 66% increase in repeat purchases.
• Conducted a variety of user research and testing methods to gain a deep understanding of our audience and continually improve the usability and engagement of our website.
• Built and implemented a comprehensive design system on Shopify which allowed for rapid development of design mockups.

Graphic Designer
206 Foods
• Developed the Brand Identity and Style Guide for consistent brand representation across mobile, web, and print mediums.
• Designed, built, and launched weekly email marketing campaigns that consistently drove website traffic and increased online sales.
• Managed social media profiles across multiple brands and platforms through engaging content that aligned with the values of diverse audiences.
• Crafted compelling print designs for consumer packaged goods which adhered to strict FDA guidelines and appealed to both new and existing customers.

Graphic Designer
• Created digital and print designs tailored to meet the unique needs of a range of clients from eCommerce to nonprofit organizations.
• Developed and maintained consistent visual identities that aligned with clients' brand strategies.
• Worked independently and in collaboration with clients to understand their vision and deliver designs that exceeded expectations.
Associate of Applied Science
Graphic Design
Seattle Central Community College

• Figma
• Adobe Xd
• Sketch
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
• InDesign
• Shopify
• Wordpress
• Trello
• Google Sheets
• Slack

• Interaction Design
• User Research
• Usability Testing
• Data Visualization
• HCI Principles
• A/B Testing
• Agile Methodology
• Visual Design
• Front-End Development
• Typography
• Illustration
• Animation